
Self treatment options for genital warts

There are many types of genital warts self-cure of the people, the warts caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), have to be used. Many people prefer to heal itself, are shame and costs to avoid a doctor. The treatments range from natural remedies for treatment that can be administered with agents that are readily available in most households.

● A self-healing, relieve symptoms of genital warts include sitz baths. Fill a sink with a few inches of warm water and sit in it for 10-15 minutes a day.
● Press the hot water from a bottle on your genital area to ensure comfort and cleaning.
● Use. cleaning one day a heat lamp or a hair dryer several times around the genital area Be sure to hold the lamp or dryer at least 18 inches from the skin.
● Apply aloe vera gel directly to the affected area.
● Enjoy a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar. Then put the cotton give directly to the wart with a band-aid. Leave it there overnight. The next morning, remove the patches and cotton ball. To do this every night for a week.
● Cut and rub the juice of raw potato on the wart for three weeks or until the wart is gone three times a day.

It is strongly recommended that people who have genital warts remedies to keep a healthy nutritional standards. Eat a diet rich in folic acid and beta-carotene. Eat fruits and vegetables, orange, yellow and red are color like radish, mango, squash and tomatoes. And dark leafy greens like spinach and kale are also recommended. Some people take supplements to ensure that they., The recommended daily amounts of vitamins and minerals

There are several herbal remedies that heal in conjunction with genital warts itself can be used. Some of these herbal remedies as a cure for a variety of conditions for thousands of years. It is recommended that your physician before using. Natural remedies for genital warts to the use of nutritional supplements herbs for a long time, it is important that the use of herbs goes stimulate the immune system, the body can develop a tolerance to the plant and lose their efficacy in the treatment of genital warts.

In many cases, to be the best remedy for warts even the immune system of an individual. Could suppress the immune system reactivation of the latent virus. It is not known whether the latent HPV virus can be transmitted to an infected person, it is important to consistently use condoms.

More: My experience of genital warts treatment


How to Get Rid of Genital Warts

Be aware that many cases of genital warts and HPV go away on their own, but this is not always the case. Women, in particular, may be vulnerable to HPV. [3] Many men who are exposed to HPV have no symptoms or problems associated with genital warts. Men (and women) who are exposed to HPV and show no signs can still transmit the infection by unprotected sexual contact.

Treat genital warts with various types of prescription creams. Do not treat genital warts, as you would a wart on finger or foot. After obtaining a diagnosis from your doctor, you may receive one of the many topical creams are commonly used to treat genital warts:

Podofilox. Podofilox or Condylox, is a solution or gel that is applied to the affected area. It is used in cycles for several weeks until the wart falls off. It releases about 45% to 90% of warts, although research shows that warts can recur in 30% to 60% of cases

Imiquimod. Imiquimod or Aldara is a topical cream of the immune response. It is applied to the wart and causes less irritation than podofilox. In 70% to 85% of cases, the initial warts are removed, but in 5% to 20% of cases, the warts return.

Veregen Polyphenon and E. These ointments are derived from green tea and other ingredients. Approved by the FDA to fight against genital warts.
Your doctor can give you two or more options for removing genital warts. You have to take into account the suffering that accompanies the process. Some even turn to homeopathic treatment to save money and visit the doctor. Whatever the treatment, it may be, it is always better to have no cure. Have done before it gets worse.

Give your treatment time to work. As mentioned earlier, most of the above treatments, with a little patience, genital warts will be removed. If, however, three separate courses of treatment with your doctor or physician six approved home treatments fail to remove genital warts, your doctor will want to reassess the course of treatment.

More: genital warts inside the anus treatment


Can people prevent health problems caused by HPV

What is HPV
Known as the human papilloma virus or HPV genital warts are on the rise, although not as immediately life threatening if left too long, it may be, women are more at risk because the virus is effective dissemination of the uterus and cancer can be generated.
There are several prevention strategies for different health problems caused by the virus HPV. Vaccines against HPV can prevent many diseases and cancers caused by HPV. Apart from vaccination, there are other ways to reduce the risk of health problems caused by HPV. How to get rid of genital warts at home fast?

A person can lower their risk of
Cervical cancer by getting routine case of a woman 21 to 65 years (and monitor for abnormal results
Oropharyngeal cancer by avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol consumption, and
Warts using condoms all the time and in the right way.

Is there a treatment for HPV or health problems caused by HPV?
Genital warts can be removed with treatments applied by the supplier or the person him / herself. No one treatment is better than another. Some people choose not to treat warts, but to see if it will disappear by themselves. If left untreated, genital warts may disappear, remain the same or increase in size or number.

Cervical cancer is most treatable when diagnosed and treated early. Women who get routine Pap tests and follow up as needed can identify problems before cancer develops. Prevention is always better than cure.
Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) can be treated with surgery or medicines. Curing RRP can sometimes require many treatments or surgeries over a period of years.

Anyone who has (or had) sex can get HPV. HPV is so common that almost all sexually active men and women will once in their life. This is true even for people who have had sex with one person in his life.

More: Fast home remedy for genital warts removal – Keyouwang


Genital warts cure on men

Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease which is spread through sexual life. It affects both men and women. As for the treatment, they are various including surgery, and medications. Different people response differently to treatment. Surgery works better on hard and large warts which do not response to medications. Topical treatment works better on soft and small genital warts. So, you can choose a treatment which suits you. Here, i would like to introduce a topical treatment - Keyouwang.

Before telling what Keyouwang is and how it works, i want to expalin “cure” this item. Here, cure means clinical cure - remove the warts and prevent them from coming back. In this regards, Keyouwang can help.

What is Keyouwang
Keyouwang spray, made in China is a topical solution for genital warts removal. It extracts from 67 types of plants, containing Quercetin, Tannin, Ursonic acid. It can kill Staphylococcus aureus and Canidia Albicans, and inactivate HPV which causes genital warts.

How does it work?
Keyouwang contains germicidal ingredients which inactivate HPV which is responsible for genital warts outbreak to eliminate the warts. Generally, you will see the result in 3 days - some of small warts begin to fall off. Since the first application, the warts turn white. Then the warts become dark after a couple days’ application. Finally, the warts fall off. This is the process of how Keyouwang remove the warts.

After all warts are removed, the latent virus may still stay underneath. So it is very important to use Keyouwang to remove them. The skin usually renews itself every 28 days. The latent virus underneath will go away with the skin renewal. So, it is advised to use another 3 bottles after all warts are removed to prevent recurrence. It is very important.

If you have mild genital warts, you can email to keyouwang@genitalwartstop.com. Keyouwang can help you better.

More: Effective home remedies for genital warts for men

Do i have genital warts - How to diagnose genital warts

If you suspect you have genital warts, visit your local genito-urinary medicine (GUM) clinic (sexual health clinic).
Even if your GP is able to diagnose genital warts, GUM clinic staff as well as access and training to manage a variety of treatments for genital warts. To find the local GUM clinic to find services.

Who should go for a check-up?
You have to have a medical examination if you have symptoms of genital warts obvious and if the current or recent sexual partner develop genital warts or other sexually transmitted infections (STI).

You can also check if:
You recently had unprotected sex with a new partner
you or your partner have had unprotected sex with other partners
You have another sexually transmitted infection (STI)
you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant

Diagnosing genital warts
Genital warts can usually be diagnosed easilyby exploring them. At physical examination, the doctor or nurse will examine warts. They can use a magnifying glass to do this. ( anus warts cure for men )
Women also have the internal side ofculum was investigated using a specially designed instrument, which includes a burner and a mirror.

Further testing
Further testing is usually done only if they believe you have a greater chance that genital warts develop inside the anus (back passage) or the urethra (the tube that connects the bladder through which urine passes).
Further testing may be recommended if:
you have recently had anal sex and were the passive partner
you have warts around your anus
you have experienced bleeding from your anus or urethra
your normal urine flow has become distorted
Inside the anus to examine the special instrument called a proctoscope metallia.Proctoscope is a small metal tube that contains a flashlight and magnifying glass.
A similar tool called endoscope (a thin, flexible tube with a camera on the other end) can be used to examine the inside of the urethra.

Genital warts treatment – Laser treatment or Keyouwang


Genital warts symptoms in men and women

Genital warts usually appear within two or three months after the development of HPV infection, but one year between HPV infection and warts have been reported.
In women, genital warts usually begin as small, rugged-feeling nodules, which become larger. In men, warts look similar to warts that sometimes develop in a person's hands (firm and raised, rough surface). The person may have a wart, or clusters of multiple warts that grow together to form a kind of appearance "cauliflower".

Some people experience bleeding during sex life. However, it is recommended to avoid sex until the warts are completely healed. See the strongest treatment of genital warts for more information.

Genital Warts in women
The most common places for genital warts to develop in women are:
at the opening of the urethra, which occurs in 1 in 25 cases
between the vagina and the anus, which occurs in 1 in 3 cases
around the vulva (the opening of the vagina), which occurs in 2 out of 3 cases of genital warts
Genital Warts in men
The most common places for genital warts to develop in men are:
around the anus, which occurs in 1 in 3 cases
inside the urethra, which occurs in 1 in 10 cases
between the anus and scrotum (the bag that contains the testicles), which occurs in around 1 in 30 cases

When to seek medical advice for genital warts
Medical advice should always be sought if you suspect that you have genital warts. There are three reasons for this:
It can be easy for people are not healthcare professionals to mistake a growth, which may be serious, for a genital wart. Therefore, it is highly recommended medical diagnosis.

All treatments for genital warts are prescription only, so you will need to get a prescription for treatment.

Some of the treatments should be applied only to a nurse or physician with proper training.

More: Genital warts self treatment for men


Leaving genital warts untreated

Genital warts are very common. they are the second most common type of sexually transmitted infection (STI) after chlamydia. Genital warts are the result of a viral infection of the skin caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). They are usually painless and do not pose a serious threat to health. However, they can look unsightly and cause psychological disorders.

Around 50% of individuals with genital warts are oblivious to the infection, due to the fact that most of the time, the site of infection is deep within their vagina or urethra. Obviously, if there are no signs or symptoms that warn about the fact that you might have an infection of the genital warts, there is not much you can do in the way of treatment. In these cases, infection or genital warts disappear on their own, or otherwise dormant. ( Genital warts in men if left untreated )

However, if you have been diagnosed with genital warts infection, and accompanying signs and symptoms of infection, genital warts, you have two options available to you. It should also be noted that, as the human papilloma virus remains in the body, the greater the chances are that you might have cancer.
When this happens, when the virus remains in the body for a long time, no matter if you have a high-risk strain of infection of genital warts, or if you have a low risk strain. Because the virus remains in your body for a period of time, there can be no change of abnormal cells that occur which can be precancerous.
The reason for the success of this type of treatment is that it goes after the cause, not just the symptoms.

You can use one of the methods that your doctor tells you or you can use a home remedy or natural healing. Or you also have the option of leaving genital warts untreated infection. In this case, we can expect these results, infection of genital warts may go away on their own, become greater extent to increase in number, cause the growth of abnormal cells in the cervix, vagina, vulva, anus or cock, which in turn can lead to cancer of these organs. If not treated, it can spread to your partner if he / she has not been already infected.

More: Best home treatment for genital warts

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