
Genital warts on penis head treatment

Having genital warts is no fun. They are unsightly, painful and they are highly contagious. If you discover the you have genital warts on penis head, then you are probably wondering what is the treatment for genital warts on penis head? Maybe genital warts turn into penis cancer. Read on to discover the answer to this question and more.

There are rare cases where male genital warts have been linked to penile and anal cancers. Penile cancer is extremely rare. It affects one in 100,000 men, but that doesn’t mean that penis warts should ignored.
In men, genital warts often occur just under the foreskin, but can be anywhere on the penis, on the scrotum or in the groin. Homosexual men may also get infected in the anus and rectum.

Patients and their doctors often struggle to select the best method to remove penis warts effectively. Penis warts are the outward symptoms of a sexually transmitted viral infection called HPV (human papillomavirus) which may include the tissues around the infected area.

Even though a red itchy penis can be painfully sore, its something that doesn't seem to bother men, the pain that is. It is essential to consult a doctor in such a case instead of trying home remedies because genital warts in the penis are more serious than warts that appear in other areas of the genitals.

Genital warts on penis head treatment
Freezing the warts using cryotherapy and burning them using sophisticated methods of removal are also common. Using acids to burn the wart away is also an option which many patients try out. There is another very effective genital wart remover and this is with the help of laser surgery. However it is costly.

Now there is a new product for genital warts on penis head treatment. It is Keyouwang. Keyouwang is from China. It is from pure plant extract without adverse side effects. It is fast-acting and effective. Since the first application, the warts and infected area will turn white. After several applications, the warts turn dark and then the surface of warts begins to peel off. It contains the germicidal ingredients which can inactivate HPV causing genital warts and kill the potential virus which is responsible for genital warts outbreak in the future.

If you want learn more about " An effective topical treatment for genital warts on penis ", you can send an email to keyouwang@genitalwartstop.com. Maybe we can help you.



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