
What are the treatments for HPV

HPV is a sexually transmitted virus usually contracted by people who have many sexual partners or practice unsafe sex. Genital warts take the form of flat or cauliflower-shaped bumps with a red, gray or pink-colored swelling combined with an itching or burning sensation.
If an infection does cause signs or symptoms, it can include such things as genital warts or warts on the feet, hands, or face. An HPV infection can also cause precancerous changes or even cancer (including cervical cancer).
Some factors may affect the treatment for genital warts that your healthcare provider recommends, including whether symptoms are present and what you want and expect.

Is there a Cure for HPV?
For now, HPV treatment focuses on the symptoms of the infection. Symptoms include genital warts associated with low-risk HPV types (which don't generally lead to cancers) and the precancerous changes sometimes associated with the high-risk types of HPV.
But HPV is curable. Some therapies removal simply treats the symptoms, not the virus. But there is a product that it can remove the virus of genital warts.

HPV Treatment for Genital Warts
In most occasions genital warts are first cured at home. If the cure commences at an early stage itself it might even help and heal the entire warts.
If the HPV infection has caused abnormal cell changes that could lead to cervical cancer, there are four main treatment options:
● Watch and wait. Sometimes the cell changes -- called cervical dysplasia, precancerous cell changes, or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia -- will heal on their own.
  Cryotherapy. This involves freezing the abnormal cells with liquid nitrogen.
  Conization. This procedure, also known as a cone biopsy, removes the abnormal areas.
  Chinese Herbal Medicine -- Keyouwang.
The product contains antitoxic ingredients extracted from hawthorn through special biotechnology. The ingredients can effectively kill the virus and remove the carriers. And there are no products which can surpass Keyouwang in preventing from recurring. (A way to prevent genital warts from recurring – Keyouwang)

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