
What are the treatments for men with HPV

HPV stands for 'human papillomavirus', and is the virus responsible for causing genital warts. It is said that 15% of the adult population in the United States is infected with HPV (some believe that 40% is a more accurate figure). Also it is estimated that there are one million new cases of HPV in the United States every year.
However, HPV virus in men can cause health problems. It's important for men to understand how to reduce the risks of HPV infection.

The risks of HPV in men
HPV infections are common. Risk factors for HPV infection include:
Number of sexual partners.Limiting the number of sexual partners you have during your lifetime may decrease your risk of contracting HPV. Being in a monogamous, long-term relationship with someone also will greatly reduce your risk of contracting different strains of the virus.

Personal contact. Touching someone's warts or not wearing protection before contacting surfaces that have been exposed to HPV — such as public showers or swimming pools — may increase your risk of HPV infection.

The treatments for men with HPV?
Early treatment of genital warts is discouraged by some doctors because genital warts can go away on their own. It can also take time for all warts to appear. So a person who treats warts as soon as they appear may need another treatment later on.
When genital warts appear, a variety of treatments can be used. The patient can apply prescription creams at home, or a doctor can surgically remove or freeze the warts.

Although quite effective, these therapies may take months to remove the warts and can not kill the underlying viruses which may lead to future outbreak. Keyouwang is a solution which fast removes warts within 3 days and kills the underlying viruses to prevent genital warts from coming back. In addition, it is pure natural ingredients without side effects.
Learn More: Genital warts life threatens men – How to treat genital warts on men
(Contact us: Email keyouwang@hotmail.com, Call us 86-311-6903-6050 Skype: may.lee62)



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