
Do i have genital warts - How to diagnose genital warts

If you suspect you have genital warts, visit your local genito-urinary medicine (GUM) clinic (sexual health clinic).
Even if your GP is able to diagnose genital warts, GUM clinic staff as well as access and training to manage a variety of treatments for genital warts. To find the local GUM clinic to find services.

Who should go for a check-up?
You have to have a medical examination if you have symptoms of genital warts obvious and if the current or recent sexual partner develop genital warts or other sexually transmitted infections (STI).

You can also check if:
You recently had unprotected sex with a new partner
you or your partner have had unprotected sex with other partners
You have another sexually transmitted infection (STI)
you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant

Diagnosing genital warts
Genital warts can usually be diagnosed easilyby exploring them. At physical examination, the doctor or nurse will examine warts. They can use a magnifying glass to do this. ( anus warts cure for men )
Women also have the internal side ofculum was investigated using a specially designed instrument, which includes a burner and a mirror.

Further testing
Further testing is usually done only if they believe you have a greater chance that genital warts develop inside the anus (back passage) or the urethra (the tube that connects the bladder through which urine passes).
Further testing may be recommended if:
you have recently had anal sex and were the passive partner
you have warts around your anus
you have experienced bleeding from your anus or urethra
your normal urine flow has become distorted
Inside the anus to examine the special instrument called a proctoscope metallia.Proctoscope is a small metal tube that contains a flashlight and magnifying glass.
A similar tool called endoscope (a thin, flexible tube with a camera on the other end) can be used to examine the inside of the urethra.

Genital warts treatment – Laser treatment or Keyouwang



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