
Genital warts cure on men

Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease which is spread through sexual life. It affects both men and women. As for the treatment, they are various including surgery, and medications. Different people response differently to treatment. Surgery works better on hard and large warts which do not response to medications. Topical treatment works better on soft and small genital warts. So, you can choose a treatment which suits you. Here, i would like to introduce a topical treatment - Keyouwang.

Before telling what Keyouwang is and how it works, i want to expalin “cure” this item. Here, cure means clinical cure - remove the warts and prevent them from coming back. In this regards, Keyouwang can help.

What is Keyouwang
Keyouwang spray, made in China is a topical solution for genital warts removal. It extracts from 67 types of plants, containing Quercetin, Tannin, Ursonic acid. It can kill Staphylococcus aureus and Canidia Albicans, and inactivate HPV which causes genital warts.

How does it work?
Keyouwang contains germicidal ingredients which inactivate HPV which is responsible for genital warts outbreak to eliminate the warts. Generally, you will see the result in 3 days - some of small warts begin to fall off. Since the first application, the warts turn white. Then the warts become dark after a couple days’ application. Finally, the warts fall off. This is the process of how Keyouwang remove the warts.

After all warts are removed, the latent virus may still stay underneath. So it is very important to use Keyouwang to remove them. The skin usually renews itself every 28 days. The latent virus underneath will go away with the skin renewal. So, it is advised to use another 3 bottles after all warts are removed to prevent recurrence. It is very important.

If you have mild genital warts, you can email to keyouwang@genitalwartstop.com. Keyouwang can help you better.

More: Effective home remedies for genital warts for men



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