
Genital warts symptoms in men and women

Genital warts usually appear within two or three months after the development of HPV infection, but one year between HPV infection and warts have been reported.
In women, genital warts usually begin as small, rugged-feeling nodules, which become larger. In men, warts look similar to warts that sometimes develop in a person's hands (firm and raised, rough surface). The person may have a wart, or clusters of multiple warts that grow together to form a kind of appearance "cauliflower".

Some people experience bleeding during sex life. However, it is recommended to avoid sex until the warts are completely healed. See the strongest treatment of genital warts for more information.

Genital Warts in women
The most common places for genital warts to develop in women are:
at the opening of the urethra, which occurs in 1 in 25 cases
between the vagina and the anus, which occurs in 1 in 3 cases
around the vulva (the opening of the vagina), which occurs in 2 out of 3 cases of genital warts
Genital Warts in men
The most common places for genital warts to develop in men are:
around the anus, which occurs in 1 in 3 cases
inside the urethra, which occurs in 1 in 10 cases
between the anus and scrotum (the bag that contains the testicles), which occurs in around 1 in 30 cases

When to seek medical advice for genital warts
Medical advice should always be sought if you suspect that you have genital warts. There are three reasons for this:
It can be easy for people are not healthcare professionals to mistake a growth, which may be serious, for a genital wart. Therefore, it is highly recommended medical diagnosis.

All treatments for genital warts are prescription only, so you will need to get a prescription for treatment.

Some of the treatments should be applied only to a nurse or physician with proper training.

More: Genital warts self treatment for men



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