
Are genital wart still contagious when getting treated

Genital warts appear as raised, flesh colored, pink or red growths.They can have many shapes. They can be large and protruding or flat and hard to see. Genital warts can be cauliflower-like, rounded, or pointed finger-like projections, and can occur singularly or in groups.

Are Genital Warts Contagious?
Yes, genital warts are very contagious, so when you have sex with someone, even protected, you need to understand that you could come away with the disease. The disease has an incubation period of anywhere from two to nine months, so you may not even know that you have it, so you could unknowingly spread it or catch it by someone that doesn’t know that they have it. 2/3 of people who come in contact with the disease will catch it and become symptomatic.

Are genital wart still contagious when getting treated?
Please consult with you Doctor about HPV and permit them know what you should do in your situation. Usually after being treated near genital warts 25% of people will hold a re-occurance.
Usually because your body still has not adapted the virus and therefore hasn't fought it rotten. Or keep it dormant in your system. After you body keep it dormant then you should be okay. This takes almost 6 months to 2 years. The virus will ALWAYS be there. It's like the chicken pox, or the flue! You'll always hold the virus.

How to make genital warts disappear?
In most cases, doctor use a medications to destroy them such as Imiquimod, Podophyllin, Podofilox etc. Besides these medicine, other medicine is also effective to remove genital warts. For instance, Keyouwang can remove genital warts within 3 days, and prevents them from coming back.

More: How long are genital warts contagious after removal



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