
Do genital warts resolve on their own

Genital warts are growths or bumps caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) that appear in the genital area. They are usually rough or "cauliflower-like" in texture and may be raised or flat. They may appear as a single bump or in multiple clusters and can be very tiny or occasionally more extensive. Some warts are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. Sometimes a person may not even know he or she has the type of HPV that causes genital warts. This is called “sub-clinical HPV.” The most common size of warts we see at Campus Health is about 3 mm, or a little smaller than the end of a pencil. If left untreated, they may continue to grow over a period of several months, but will eventually heal on their own over a period of months to years.

Do genital warts resolve on their own?
The warts may clear without treatment, but this usually takes a period of months to years. If left untreated, genital warts may clear up on their own, stay unchanged, or develop in size and numbers.
The goal of common treatments is to remove visible genital warts and get rid of annoying symptoms. If the warts are eliminated, the patient is considered “cleared.” (see Best HPV genital warts medication)This will probably reduce, though may not eliminate, the chance of transmission.

Some types of HPV can cause anal and penis cancer, as well as vulvar and cervical cancer. It is important that if your partner has abnormal cervical cells, detected in a PAP test, that she has regular pelvic examinations and further PAP tests so that any cancer can be treated as quickly as.

More: Genital warts cure tips - remove and prevent from coming back



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