
Treating Genital Warts with Apple Cider Vinegar

Genital warts are highly contagious. According to epigee.org, the virus that causes genital warts is "transferred from one person to another through sexual contact."Genital warts look similar to a common hand wart. Their size ranges from small to large. According to the Mayo Clinic, "They may look like small, flesh-colored bumps or have a cauliflower-like appearance."

What are Genital Warts?
Genital Wart is another form of STD Sexually Transmitted disease which are mainly caused by human papillomavirus HPV Virus. These can be transferred by oral, anal and genital intercourse with a partner infected with HPV virus. HPV can cause cervical and anal cancer if not treated in the earlier stages.

Genital Warts Treatments
Normally, genitals warts are treated with medication, or by using these procedures:
Cryosurgery (freezing treatment)
Laser Therapy
Surgical excision (cutting them out)
If you think that you have genital warts, start by having them diagnosed by a physician. There are other conditions that can cause warts on the genitalia. And, they can be mistaken for genital warts. Some examples are lichen planus and psoriasis.

Treating Genital Warts with Apple Cider Vinegar
Many people have tried this method and more than satisfied with the final result. Apple cider vinegar genital warts treatment is so popular because it is easy to use and it works very quickly to remove warts. Some Q-tips or cotton balls, band aids, and apple cider vinegar is all you need to have to use this method of treatment.
Despite the fact that the acid can not kill the virus, it can easily make a top layer of skin peel off, so warts will turn off. So you can find best home treatment for genital warts, you can try the following

Keyouwang for Genital Warts
Genital wart removal, using Keyouwang, is a common home remedy. Keyouwang is a cure for genital warts that has no side effects, is easy and gets rid of your problem. This is made from natural ingredients that will allow the body to build anti-bodies to fight off genital warts. Keyouwang is preferred by more people because of the convenience as compared to surgery and because there are no contraindications. Getting rid of your genital warts does not have to be difficult; with Keyouwang you can start felling better and healthier.

But back to the warts...
If you want a reliable, safe and discreet method of treating genital warts, Keyouwang is one of the very best and most thoroughly tested in China. It is probably the most popular product on the market, regarded as effective by over 8 years.

More: Can laser treatment cure genital warts



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