
Genital warts penile shaft treatment

Male genital warts are most common on the tip or shaft of the penis. They may also extend to the scrotum and anus in some cases. Genital warts may sometimes be found in the throat or mouth also, if the person has had oral sexual contact with an infected person.

In men, the symptoms of genital warts present as growths on the penis, scrotum, anus or thighs. These warts may feel uncomfortable but rarely do these warts cause pain or irritation.

Visible genital warts on the penis or vagina or around the anus are removed by excision, which means cutting the warts off with a surgical knife (scalpel). Genital warts penile shaft can be removed but, unfortunately, these are recurring in nature and can come back any time right after they are handled.

Every parts of the groin apart from the penal shaft can also experience warts. In case you are having this kind of warts, this simple write up will open your eyes to how to get it treated and why you should not delay in its treatment.

Several sessions of the treatment may be required as the warts mostly recur. Anal or penile cancer can be treated by new forms of radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery.

Other treatments can be carried out by a doctor including; Cryotherapy works by freezing off the wart and kills the warts 70% of the time, but recurrence is 40% to 73% 6 months after treatment. And laser therapy can be used also, which is often used as a last resort and is extremely expensive. Consultation of a doctor, is required for approaching the right treatment.

But you can try an effective topical treatment for genital warts on penis -- Keyuowang. Keyouwang is from pure plant extract, a safe genital warts treatment. It not only removes the warts but also prevents them from coming back. It inactivates the HPV and kill the potential virus which is responsible for genital warts outbreak in the future.

HPV can be dormant for years in our system and to decrease the chance of them coming back or from occurring is by boosting the immune system.

Once you notice the skin condition on your genitals, you should not waste time in the least; make your way to the hospital and complain to your doctor.

(Contact us: Email keyouwang@genitalwartstop.com,  Skype: may.lee62)

Learn More: Can you contract genital warts without an outbreak



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