
The best treatment for hpv genital warts on vagina in women

Genital warts appear on moist surfaces, especially at the entrance of the vagina and rectum in women. They may be small, flat, flesh-colored bumps or tiny, cauliflower-like bumps. Individual warts usually measure 1 millimeter to 2 millimeters in diameter – much smaller than the diameter of a pencil eraser – but clusters can be quite large. In some cases, warts can be so small that you can't see them. Genital warts may not cause any symptoms, or they may cause itching, burning, tenderness or pain.

How do the warts form?
1. HPV invades skin
2. DNA from virus enters skin cells.
3. HPV causes infected skin cells to multiply and form warts
4. Virus sheds, passing on to others.

What is the best treatment for HPV genital warts on vagina?
If you are suffering from vagnial warts and searching a home remdy, Keyouwang is recommended.
It is the best genital warts treatment natural remedy. Unlike other product, Keyouwang does not contain chemical ingredients which irritate the healthy skin. However, Keyouwang is from pure plant extract without adverse side effects. Perhaps, you suspect whether it is available for internal warts. The answer is of course. There is a special design - rocker which could spin. You can put it inside the vagina and spray. It is easy to operate.

Unlike other product which may burn the warts off with chemical ingredients, Keyouwang removes the warts by inactivating HPV which are responsible for genital warts outbreak. After several applications, the skin of warts will peel off. The killed virus goes away with skin peeling-off. After 3-4 peel-off, the warts naturally fall off. The warts become black and hard before they fall off. It is because the warts cells die.

More: How to take care of genital warts on female



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