
Treatment for HPV genital warts on penis on men

Genital warts, as the name suggest appear on the genital area. They grow on moist surfaces. In men, they can appera anywhere in the genital or anal area. It is most common that genital warts are found on the penis.

How do the warts form?
1. HPV invades skin
2. DNA from virus enters skin cells.
3. HPV causes infected skin cells to multiply and form warts
4. Virus sheds, passing on to others.

They may be small, flat, flesh-colored bumps or tiny, cauliflower-like bumps. Individual warts usually measure 1 millimeter to 2 millimeters in diameter – much smaller than the diameter of a pencil eraser – but clusters can be quite large. In some cases, warts can be so small that you can't see them. Genital warts may not cause any symptoms, or they may cause itching, burning, tenderness or pain.

What is the treatment for HPV genital warts on penis on men?
At the early stage, doctors suggest over-the-counter or prescribed medications to remove the warts at home. Over-the-counter medications are proven to be effective like Keyouwang. It not only removes the warts but also prevents genital warts from coming back after removal. Unlike other product, Keyouwang can inactivate HPV and kill the potential virus to remove the warts.

Genital warts also may be removed by freezing them. This is called cryotherapy. They may be burned off. This is called electrocauterization. Or they may be removed with surgery or with lasers. In some cases, they are treated with injections of interferon, another type of medication.

Like all medications, genital warts treatments have risks and side effects. Your health care provider can explain them to you and help you deal with the side effects of your treatment.If you want learn more about genital warts treatment, you can email us to keyouwang@genitalwartstop.com, we will try our best to help you.
More: What happens if genital warts in man are left untreated



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