
Anal Warts Treatment Tips

Anal warts, also known as condyloma, are growths found on the skin around the anus (rectal opening), in the anal canal, or in the lower rectum. They are caused by the human papilloma virus, which is usually transmitted through contact but not necessarily through anal. In early stages, they do not cause pain or discomfort to afflicted individuals. As a result, patients may be unaware that the condyloma are present.

Genital warts are spread mainly through sexual contact with an infected person, and can take a few weeks or months to appear as clinically visible lesions. Some infected individuals are capable of transmitting the HPV infection even in the absence of any visible condyloma. External genital and perianal warts appear as flesh colored or skin colored cauliflower like growths.

Most men who get HPV(of any type) never develop any symptoms or health problems. But some types of HPV can cause condyloma acuminata. Other types can cause penile or anal cancers. The types of HPV that can cause genital warts are not the same as the types that can cause cancer. Anal cancer is not the same as colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is more common than cancer, but it is not caused by HPV.

Treatment of genital or anal warts
In allopathy or conventional medicine there is no cure for genital or anal warts or Perianal warts, as the virus cannot be destroyed once it enters the body. The condyloma themselves may be burned off with electrocautery or lasers; frozen with liquid nitrogen for easy removal; or surgically removed. Best treatment for anal warts

Cytodestructive therapies involve the physical removal or chemical destruction of anal warts:
● Cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen)
● Surgical/ablative techniques (surgical excision, carbon dioxide laser, electocautery)
● Trichloroacetic or bichloroacetic acid
● Podophyllin resin
● Podophyllotoxin (0.5%) - standardized concentration of purified podophyllin

If the anal warts are not removed through medicine or surgical removal, they will increase in size and number. Condyloma that are located inside the anal canal usually are not suitable for treatment by medications. In most cases need to be treated by cauterization or surgical removal.

Will the genital or anal Warts Reappear?
In some cases, the genital or anal warts will reappear. They may reappear because the viruses that cause the condyloma are still present in the body.

More: New choices for genital warts removal



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