
How to remove anal warts effectively and permanently

What are anal warts?
Anal warts form on the outside of the anus near the rectum. Both men and women who engage in unprotected anal intercourse run a great risk of contracting anal warts. Anal warts are caused by human papillomavirus(HPV). It is dangerous because the virus can be linked to cervical cancer and other types of genital cancers. The warts appear as small, grayish or flesh colored, swollen areas that may clump together and take on a cauliflower shape; these bumps may itch, and cause discomfort and bleeding with intercourse.

Stroy of a anal warts sufferer
“i have genital warts around the anus. They are cauliflower-shaping bumps. After buying Keyouwang, i directly spray on the warts. It is painful, which however lasts for about 2 minutes. Warts fall off 3 days. 1-2 warts turn black. I think they will fall off soon. My condition is not serious. It will be cured soon”

What is Keyouwang? 
Keyouwang is a genital warts remover from pure plant extract. It has no adverse side effects. It is safe to use at home to remove the warts. Patients can directly spray on the warts and keep it there for 10-15 minutes. Generally, warts begin to fall off within 3 days. However, different from other product, Keyouwang aims to remove the warts and prevent them from coming back by inactivating HPV and kill the potential virus. Removing all your warts does not mean that it is cured. The length of treatment depends on how may virus there is in your body. Although your warts are removed, you may still need to use more bottles to complete kill the virus under skin. You can stop using until the infected area does not turn white when applying.

Email: keyouwangwarts@hotmail.com

More: Best treatment for anal warts - Keyouwang



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