
Will genital warts affect pregnancy or childbirth

Genital warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) and often go unnoticed by affected individuals for long periods due to a lack of symptoms. Genital warts are usually flesh colored or clear bumps that range from small to large and infect the area in or around the genitals. Genital wart outbreaks can interfere with normal sexual activity, since the virus that causes warts is contagious and can be passed easily during sexual contact.

Genital warts appear on moist surfaces, especially at the entrance of the vagina and rectum in women. In men and women, they can appear anywhere in the genital or anal area. They may be small, flat, flesh-colored bumps or tiny, cauliflower-like bumps. Individual warts usually measure 1 millimeter to 2 millimeters in diameter – much smaller than the diameter of a pencil eraser – but clusters can be quite large. In some cases, warts can be so small that you can’t see them. Genital warts may not cause any symptoms, or they may cause itching, burning, tenderness or pain.

Expected Duration
Genital warts may go away on their own or with treatment, or they may last for years. It is common for genital warts to return after they are removed. HPV genital warts in women cure

Most pregnant women with genital warts, or a history of them, are unlikely to have any HPV-related complications during pregnancy or childbirth. During pregnancy, genital warts may grow in number because of changes in the body's immune system. Thus, treatment may be delayed until after birth to see if they go away on their own.

Most children born to women with a history of genital warts do not experience any HPV-related complications. Only very rarely do warty growths occur in an infant's throat as a result. Cesarean delivery is not usually recommended as a method of preventing this unusual occurrence.

More: Do genital warts have to be removed



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