
Genital warts laser therapy cost

Doctors usually use laser surgery for genital warts after other treatments have failed. Laser surgery for the treatment of genital warts is more expensive than many other treatment methods.

The literature review demonstrated highly variable success and recurrence rates among treatment methods and failed to show that one treatment provides consistently superior efficacy. In the economic models, treating women generally proved more costly than treating men per episode of care. This was due to the need for more extensive follow-up visits in the treatment of women. Total costs were highest for cryotherapy and lowest for a patient-applied therapy that reduced the need for follow-up visits. Can laser treatment cure genital warts?

What To Expect After Surgery
Recovery time depends on the location and number of warts removed. Healing usually occurs within 2 to 4 weeks.
For men and women who have had laser surgery, call your doctor if you have any of the following:
· Bleeding that lasts longer than 1 week
· A fever
· Severe pain
· Bad-smelling or yellowish discharge, which may point to an infection
Avoid sexual intercourse until the treated area heals and the soreness is gone (usually 1 to 3 weeks, depending on the size of the area treated).

Laser surgery may cause any of the following:
· Pain, swelling, or itching
· Discharge from the vagina or penis
· Sores in the area treated
· Tissue that sticks together
· Shedding of dead tissue
· Urination that occurs in a wide, spraying stream, for treatment done in the urethra. Scarring of the penis is a possible side effect that can result in problems with urination or erection.
· Scarring

Treating genital warts may not cure a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The virus may remain in the body in an inactive state after warts are removed. A person treated for genital warts may still be able to spread the infection. Condoms may help reduce the risk of HPV infection.

More: Cheap and effective genital warts remover



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