
What does genital warts look like at first

Genital warts are one of the most common types of sexually transmitted infections. At least half of all sexually active people will become infected with the virus that causes genital warts at some point during their lives.Like warts that appear elsewhere on your body, genital warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Some strains of genital HPV can cause genital warts, while others can cause cancer.
What do genital warts look like?
Genital warts look like small pink or red growths in or around the sex organs. The warts may look similar to small parts of a cauliflower, or may be very tiny and difficult to see. They often appear in clusters of three or four, and may grow and spread rapidly. They are usually not painful, although they may cause mild pain, bleeding, and itching.
Signs and tests
Warts can generally be diagnosed simply by their location and appearance. Your doctor may want to cut into a wart (called a biopsy) to confirm that it is not a corn, callus, skin cancer, or other similar-appearing growth.
What should I do while I have the warts?
l Keep the area as dry as possible.

l Wear all-cotton underwear. Man-made fabrics can irritate the area and trap moisture.

Useful articles:
An effective treatment for genital warts first outbreak in women

Can laser treatment cure genital warts



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