
How to remove genital warts inside vagina

Genital warts are fleshy growths which appear in the genital area. They are caused by HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS (HPV) and are usually spread by sexual contact.
Most doctors call these “vaginal warts.” Vaginal genital warts (genital warts inside the vagina) are almost always caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) types 6 and 11.There are many types of HPV, but these are the two that cause most genital warts. Genital warts are spread through direct physical contact with someone who has a type of HPV that causes genital warts...including vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, touching the genitals, or genital contact.

HPV is the virus that causes genital warts. People can be infected with HPV and never show any symptoms. Others will develop genital warts. These warts can stay the same size, grow, or go away on their own. It largely depends on the infected person's immune system. A healthy immune system means your body may be able to suppress the virus and not show symptoms.

How to remove genital warts inside vagina? As you heard, there is no complete cure for genital warts caused by HPV infections. Anyway, there are some methods of treatments available. You can consult your doctor for the best method which will work fine on you. Cryotherapy, which includes liquid nitrogen treatment to kill warts is one of the popular methods to remove warts. Radiation treatment, application of skin creams also will work in removing genital warts. But it is better get consulted with some uroglogist or gynec, before starting treatment. As your warts are inside vagina, it is a little bit complicated. Try applying spay like Keyouwang, on your own and as per the directed dosage in the label of the medicine. Take care.

More: Can genital warts recure after treatment



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