
Can HPV be Transmitted after Treatment

HPV infects the genitals of both males and females, and can cause genital warts as well as cervical cancer. It's the most common sexually transmitted virus in the U.S. — around fifty percent of sexually active adults will have HPV at some point in their lives. Most cases only last a year or two, but other cases can linger for longer and lead to cancer. Do genital warts return after treatment?

HPV transmission occurs easily among sexual partners. This is evidenced by the fact that at least 50 percent of sexually active men and women acquire a genital HPV infection at some point in their lives. By the age of 50, at least 80 percent of women will have acquired a genital HPV infection.

The only way to protect yourself 100% from genital strains of HPV is total abstinence. However, come common sense can go a long way toward greater lowering your risk. Using a condom can protect you much of the time, although it will not protect you all of the time from HPV. You are at greater risk of contracting HPV when you have multiple partners, or when you are with a person who has had multiple partners.

Can HPV be Transmitted after Treatment?
Healthy Diet
Healthy diet is your first line of treatment. The human papilloma virus dies on its own. In fact, many infected women do not even have to undergo any kind of medical attention at all. With a strong immune system, the virus is not impossible to kill.

One advanced way of killing HPV is through cryosurgery. In this method, the area with abnormal cells is frozen using liquid nitrogen. When melted, all infected cells die, including the virus itself.

There are some drugs or creams available that are effectively used to treat HPV caused diseases like genital warts. For example Keyouwang.
Keyouwang is from hundred of plants, specializing in treating genital warts. It is a topical solution. It has no adverse side effects during using and will not irritate the normal skin. It is safe to use at home.

Learn More: How to treat genital warts which come back after laser surgery



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