
Genital Warts Abdominal Pain

Condyloma or genital warts are very widespread viral disease. It is believed that the infection affects one in three to four persons in the world. Genital warts are bulges formed by infected cells of the skin or mucous membrane, which usually occur in the genital and anal area.
Although HPV is generally symptomless, the cervical, penile and anal cancers it can cause do have other symptoms. These may include changes in bowel or bladder habits, or growths and change of skin color on the penis. For women, such symptoms may include an increased vaginal discharge, abnormal vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain with genital warts.

Genital Warts Abdominal Pain
The other symptoms of genital warts include:
Painless, flesh-colored or grayish-white growths on the outside or inside of the vagina, around the cervix, or around the anus, thigh, scrotum, or penis that may develop a cauliflower-like appearance and involve more than one area.
Itchiness or mild soreness in the genital area.

It’s important to keep in mind there could be no symptoms at all.
By far the most telling sign of genital warts is the appearance of bumps. In men, these may be tiny papules that appear on the shaft of the penis. In women, the raised or flat bumps are usually noticed first on the vulva. Though these may start as extremely small the bumps will likely grow into sizable clusters and spread quickly throughout the genital area. You should refrain from having intercourse until you have been seen by a physician, received appropriate treatment and given the go-ahead by the doctor.

Treatment genital warts abdominal pain
Treatment of genital warts may be long-term. The most effective is treatment of both partners, using condoms for several months after healing.
Condyloma may be physically destroyed by Cryotherapy (freezing), thermal coagulation, Electrocoagulation, radio-coagulation, laser-vaporization or surgical cutting. The least effective is freeze therapy and the most effective is surgical removal.

But after those treatments, genital warts recurrence easily. By chance, i knows of the product -- Keyouwang. This home remedy for genital warts is able to test and kill the underlying viruses which are the primary causes of genital warts recurrence.

Compared with surgical treatments, the product is cheap. One bottle is only $64.95 and three bottles cost only $159.95. It is affordable. For mild genital warts, one bottle is able to remove nearly all the warts within about one week. And using three bottles can achieve the goal of preventing genital warts from coming back.

Learn More: Genital warts recurrence after treatment – How to treat



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