
HPV Virus Treatment Options

 The genital warts associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection can be raised or flat. They can be small or large. Colors vary, including pink or flesh-colored. Genital warts can appear on the cervix, scrotum, groin, thigh, anus, or penis. How long does it take to treat genital warts?

Multiple treatments exist, and type of treatment depends on location, number, and size of warts, as well as physician and patient preference.

HPV Virus Treatments performed by providers:
· cryotherapy: freezing with liquid nitrogen; treatments repeated every one to two weeks until warts have resolved
· TCA or BCA: acids that chemically burn the warts; dries to a white crust; can be repeated every one to two weeks until warts are resolved.
· Podophyllin: applied to wart and often washed off 1 to 4 hours later; not for pregnant women
· laser: usually for extensive warts, intraurethral warts, or those resistant to other therapy
· surgery: treatment is usually complete in one visit; higher risk of scarring
Surgical removal may cure the problem in a single visit. Success rates for the other techniques range from about 80% to 90%.Similar treatments may be used for external genital warts. In addition, some drugs may be used to treat external genital warts.

There are another way to prevent genital warts from coming back – inactivate and eradiate the underlying virus which causes genital warts recurrence. Keyouwang is capable of doing that.
Keyouwang is all-natural product without irritation and adverse side effects. Keyouwang can fast work to eliminate genital warts. It works from the first application – genital warts turn black and peel off, which happens within 3 days. Our customers are every satisfied with the fast efficacy. The fast removing genital warts is due to the strong plant ingredients which can fast and effectively remove warts on any area.
Learn More: Buy genital warts treatment online – Keyouwang



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