
How Does HPV Affect a Pregnancy

Most women who had genital warts, but no longer have them, do not have problems during pregnancy or birth. The presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) by itself should not affect your ability to get pregnant. But in some cases, having HPV can increase your risk of developing precancerous or cancerous cells in your cervix, which could affect both your fertility and your ability to carry a baby to term.
For women who have genital warts during pregnancy, the warts may grow or become larger and bleed. In rare cases, a pregnant woman can pass HPV to her baby during vaginal delivery. Rarely, a baby who is exposed to HPV gets warts in the throat or voice box. Are genital warts deadly for women?

HPV Doesn't Affect Pregnancy at All For Most Women
Most women who have the Human Papillomavirus will not be affected at all by the STD during their pregnancy. The time frame in which you were diagnosed with HPV will determine how much it may or may not affect you. If you were diagnosed with Human Papillomavirus two to three years ago and do not currently have any genital warts, there is a good chance that you will not experience any complications during pregnancy. That being said, women who do have genital warts when they become pregnant may experience some complications.

Is Natural Remedies And Herbal Medicines The Keys To Removing Genital Warts In Women?
This is why so many have turned to natural remedies and herbal medicines and such. Medicinal plant extracts are readily accepted into our bodies and heal us from within, without the "added bonus" of adverse side effects that so many lab-created chemical medications bestow upon us. The most speedily effective treatment is herbal extracts. Here, i will recommend you a natural treatment for  genital warts -- Keyouwang.

It contains all kinds of plant ingredients for warts removal that not only eliminate genital warts but kill HPV virus under skin so as to prevent warts from recurring. The plant ingredients are mild so it is clinically proven that there are no side effects after application and it is safe to use at home. You don’t have to worry about the irritation, corrosion etc. Have a try!



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