
HPV in Men Treatment for Warts

Treatment of HPV in male has a few different varieties. The disease that causes genital warts is incurable, so the goal of treatment is simply to keep them from spreading and to ease the discomfort. The best treatment depends on the individual's circumstances. Your doctor will take a look at the warts and, depending on how many there are and the size, recommend what he or she believes is the best treatment.

Genital Wart Symptoms and Signs in Men:
* One or more growths on the penis, testicles, groin, thighs, or anus – See genital warts pictures.
* Penile warts will cause itching
* Anal warts will cause itching and possible pain during bowel movements
* Anal warts can cause bleeding during bowel movements

Risks of HPV Virus in Men
Some of the 30 or so types of HPV associated with genital cancers can lead to cancer of the anus or penis in men. Both of these cancer types are rare. In those with a healthy immune system, they are even rarer.
The risk of anal cancer is about 17 times higher in sexually active gay and bisexual men than in men who have sex only with women. Men who have HIV are also at higher risk of getting this cancer.

Genital warts in men HPV virus treatment

Lancing or Freezing Treatments
Removing genital warts by using lancing or freezing treatments is another method. This is an effective way for men to minimize HPV growths.
Cyrotherapy - using liquid nitrogen to freeze off the warts.
Laser Surgery
Men may undergo laser surgery if current HPV treatments do not reduce the appearance of genital warts. This can cause scarring, and most men do not undergo this type of surgery.
Natural Treatment for HPV in men -- Keyouwang
Keyouwang is from Chinese herb ingredients. Traditional Chinese Medicine has thousands of history which helps Chinese people get rid of all kinds of diseases. Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Keyouwang is created, aiming to fast remove genital warts and prevent them from back. Have a Try!



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