
Can You Get Rid of Genital Warts Forever

Warts are ugly and can be embarrassing. Often, they are painful and sometimes they will bleed if they are bumped or agitated. Before learning how to get rid of warts forever, you need to know exactly what they are and what causes them.
Genital warts are warts that are located near or in the genital areas. In a female, that means on or near the vulva (the outside genital area), vagina, cervix, or anus. In a male, that means near or on the penis, scrotum, or anus.
Genital warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). There are over 100 different types of HPV that may cause warts, but only a small number of strains can cause genital warts.

It is estimated that over 60% of people who have sexual relations with a person who has genital warts will become infected and develop them too. Generally, the genital warts will appear about three months after infection - however, in some cases there may be no symptoms for many years. How to make genital warts disappear?

If you really want to get rid of genital warts forever then you should know that you can remove genital warts by surgery, freezing, laser, acid or cream but genital warts can reappear again and again because genital warts appears when your immune system is weak!

On the other hand, There are some medications which helped me to get rid of genital warts. Sometimes these methods are called "over the counter genital warts treatment". In most cases, doctor use a medications to destroy them such as Imiquimod, Podophyllin, Podofilox etc. And there is no guarantee these over the counter treatments will help you…

Besides these medicine, other medicine is also effective to remove genital warts. For instance, Keyouwang can remove genital warts within 3 days, and prevents them from coming back. Keyouwang is 100% safe, It is green from all-natural ingredients, having no adverse side effects. Don’t concern that it irritates the normal skin. All warts are removed without scars. It is available for pregnant women and children. How do I get rid of genital warts? We are confident that it 100% works.



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