
HPV facts for men

What is HPV?
Genital warts, also known as condyloma, or condylomata acuminata, is a highly contagious sexually transmitted infection. It is spread during oral, genital, or anal sex with an infected partner.

What does the distinction between low-risk and high-risk HPV for men mean?
1. The HPV vaccine, which protects against certain strains of HPV that can help prevent HPV-related cancers, is available to and recommended for boys ages 13 thru 21.
2. Some men are more at risk: gay and bisexual men are more likely to develop HPV-associated anal cancer than men who have sex with women.
3. There is no common screening test to detect HPV in men.
4. Half of men over the age of 15 carry the virus.
5. HPV-associated cancers, particularly oral and oropharyngeal, are on the rise.

Is there treatment options for HPV in men?
There is no cure for HPV infection itself, but there is treatment for the effects of HPV. Genital warts can be removed by medicated gels or creams, or by surgical methods.
Treatment for men with HPV-related lesions other than genital warts varies according to the type and severity of the found lesion. If the lesion is mild, your doctor may choose to wait and see if it clears up on its own. If the lesion is moderate to severe, your doctor will likely refer you to have it surgically removed. Or you can choose Keyouwang for your HPV. Natural cure for genital warts in men – Keyouwang
It is fast to remove genital warts. Our customers are satisfied with the fast removal when applying. They can see the outcomes after the first application - genital warts begin to turn black. And then warts start shrinking and falling off in the next few days. We are proud that Keyouwang boosts the patients’ confidence to defeat this disease when they see the warts fall off one by one.

Learn More: Genital warts life threatens men – How to treat genital warts on men



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