
How to Find an Effective Genital Wart Remover

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released startling information on genital HPV infection. Although genital warts treatment research has been around for decades, the disease is still the most common sexually transmitted infection in the world. More than 40 types of HPV infections will reside within the mouth and throat as well as the genital areas. How to find effective genital warts remover?

The most common sign of HPV in young men is genital warts. In fact, genital warts seem to affect as many young men as young women. Some very rare cancers in young men are also linked to HPV. Up to 90% of anal cancers (more common among men who have sex with men), 40 to 50% of cancers of the penis, and 10 to 20% of cancers of the mouth, head, and neck are caused by HPV infection. These cancers do not usually develop until later in life.

So, finding where to find an effective genital wart remover may be more difficult than you had imagined. It is not for lack of products; there are plenty of those out there. Many make extravagant claims about ridding you of your genital warts permanently and without leaving scarring. You know that even if a product swears to help you it is not always true.

The one thing we do know at this stage is there is NO CURE for all strains of HPV, however if you do suffer from genital warts from time to time, there are treatment options available to help remove them fairly rapidly.

How to find effective genital warts remover? An effective genital warts treatment should do the following:
1. Offer fast relief(within 2-3 days is the best we’ve seen so far).
2. Have at least a 90% success rate.
Here’s what a treatment option should NOT do:
1. Cause any side effects whatsoever.
2. Have no effect or a negative effect on genital warts(cause more warts to appear)
3. Cost too much!
Using these as our guidelines, we were able to come up with a ranking system for all the most popular genital wart treatments available on the market today -- Keyouwang.



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