
HPV Transmission after Treatment

Human Papillomavirus, more commonly known as HPV, is a viral infection spread through skin to skin sexual contact. HPV is a group of over 100 different viruses, with at least 30 strains known to cause different types of cancer.
HPV transmission can be quite simple with just skin to skin contact transferring the virus. There are other forms of HPV which are sexually transmitted, and some of these are a serious problem.

HPV is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, usually during sexual intercourse. It can also be transmitted through oral sex. It can be passed even if there are no signs or symptoms of the virus. It cannot be spread by kissing, toilet seats, bedding, door knobs, swimming pools, hot tubs, shared clothing or eating utensils.

Although the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine (Gardasil or Cervarix) now is recommended for preteens of both sexes, we still understand relatively little about HPV's natural history and transmission patterns. Montreal researchers sought to quantitate the chances that a young adult in an early sexual relationship would acquire HPV (a question likely to be of considerable interest to parents of preteens).

Symptoms and Complications of Sexually Transmitted Infection
Many people with STIs might have no obvious symptoms at all. As a result, the person may not seek treatment for a long time. This delay could result in higher risks of Sexually Transmitted Infection-related health problems or complications, as well as the possibility of spreading the STI to partners.

Scientists have not found a cure for HPV with western medicine—once someone contracts the virus, it is with them for life. The goal of treatment is to remove warts and to reduce other overt symptoms of the infection. The genital warts themselves can be removed by surgically freezing them, burning them with acid or lasers, but removing the warts doesn't eradicate the virus.

Here, I recommend the latest treatment for genital warts in 2013 – Keyouwang.
Keyouwang is different from other genital warts treatments.

It is Keyouwang which acts on underlying virus. As we know, genital warts are caused by HPV virus which determines the contagion and development. Inactivating the underlying virus is the fundamental way to cure genital warts. Keyouwang is able to inactivate and eradiate the underlying virus, preventing genital warts from coming back.

Learn More: How long does it take to treat genital warts



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