
HPV Genital Warts Treatment for Men

HPV is as common in men as in women. HPV rarely causes severe health problems in men. But it can lead to anal cancer in men who have sex with men. There is no test for HPV genital warts in men.
The lesions that occur on men may be nearly impossible to see with the naked eye. While many men may not recognize genital warts, once men have this HPV infection they become a “reservoir” for the virus. Human papillomavirus can live in the vas deferens (the tube that brings semen from the testes), the prostate gland, pubic hair follicles, and within the urethra (the tube through which urine exits the body).Can HPV infections go away?

HPV genital warts treatment for men
Though, treatment does not guarantee zero recurrence. There are many modalities used by physicians to treat genital warts. Over the counter freezing remedies for viruses and warts can also be used. Hence, home remedies are what people usually prefer. There are a number of remedies, like topical application, and ointment available over the counter. However these only treat the symptoms, may remove the wart but do not at all kill the Human Papilloma Virus.

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Keyouwang, containing effective ingredients for genital warts removal can fast remove warts within 3 days. You can experience the warts after first application – warts turn black, which indicates the beginning of warts falling off. Generally, warts begin to fall off within 3 days and nearly all warts disappear after one week.

How do I protect my partner from HPV after my warts have gone away?
To guarantee ideal prevention, you should be knowledgeable on how HPV is transmitted. You should boost your immune system to effectively fight against HPV. Keep in mind that some warts are not visible.

Even if you think the warts have gone away, there may be some you can’t see. And even after the warts are treated, the HPV virus may remain. Using condoms may reduce your risk of passing on genital warts.

Learn More: Is laser therapy for genital warts in men effective



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